
Easy Healthy Living Tips


Easy Healthy Living Tips

Healthy is expensive. This saying is true, because when a disease is attacked, especially one that is dangerous, many people have to spend a lot of money to be able to return to health. In fact, many diseases can be prevented only by implementing the normality of a clean and healthy life, without having to incur expensive costs.

Living a healthy life is not difficult and you don't have to spend a lot of money. The key to successfully living a healthy life lies in perseverance and principles for living a better life. Start a healthy normal life by running a variety of these next healthy living tips.

Washing hands

Washing hands properly is the most effective step in preventing the spread of germs. Wash your hands with clean running water, and keep using soap, because water alone is not enough. Washing hands with soap is proven to be effective in reducing the number of bacteria on hands by up to 82%.

Remind your little one to keep washing hands after using the toilet, after activities outside the house, after handling pets, and before eating. Give him an understanding that hands that look clean are not necessarily free from germs, because germs are invisible to the eye.

If water and soap are hard to find, you can use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Studies show that hand sanitizer products with an alcohol percentage of 60-95% are more effective at killing germs than products with a lower alcohol percentage or no alcohol at all. But it must be remembered, hand sanitizer cannot kill germs as effectively as washing hands with soap.

Keeping Food Clean

Contaminated food can be a major cause of disease transmission. To prevent contamination, you must process food properly. The method:

Wash hands with soap and running water, before cooking or preparing food.

Wash foodstuffs under running water until clean, before cooking or consuming them.

Do not store food for too long in the refrigerator or storage cupboard.

Keep foods that will be eaten raw, such as vegetables for salads, away from raw meat. This is intended so that germs from raw meat do not shift to these foodstuffs.

Use a serving hood to keep food away from flies or mice.

Eating Healthy Food

Forget fried foods, french fries, processed foods, or fast food that you usually eat. To maintain a healthy body, you must pay attention to your food intake. Healthy and nutritionally balanced food is very important for the body, especially for children who are still in their infancy.

Get used to eating with a varied menu and of course sufficient daily nutritional needs. Every day, the body needs 2-3 servings of vegetable protein, 2-3 servings of animal protein, 3-8 servings of staple foods such as rice, potatoes or wheat, 3-5 servings of vegetables, and 3-5 servings of fruit.

In addition, you are also obliged to limit the intake of sugar and salt. Excess sugar can increase the risk of diabetes and obesity. While excessive salt will increase the risk of high blood pressure.

Sufficient Water Needs

The next healthy living tip is to drink enough water, which is at least 2 liters (about 8 glasses) per day. The benefits of adequate water intake are the body becomes fresh, the brain functions better, and avoids headaches, constipation, and kidney stones.

Exercising Regularly

Many people are lazy to move because they think exercise is tiring and boring. To work around this, make exercise a fun activity. For example, if you don't like sweating, choose swimming. If you don't like strenuous exercise, choose yoga.

Inviting children to play baseball, ball, or badminton can also make busy sports fun, as well as teach children about the importance of exercising. It is recommended to exercise at least twice a week, with a duration of at least 30 minutes a day.

Avoid Exposure to Cigarette Smoke

Cigarette smoke is too risky for active smokers and passive smokers. Cigarette smoke contains dozens of different types of chemicals that can cause cancer. In addition to cancer, exposure to secondhand smoke also increases the risk of miscarriage, heart disease, lung disease, and respiratory problems.

For women who have smoking partners, you and your children are at risk for the same disease. This is because particles from cigarette smoke can settle on the surface of clothing or objects in the smoking area, especially long after the smoke is gone. Several studies have shown that subsequent particles can persist for months. If you crave a healthy life, free your beloved home and family from cigarette smoke.

Enough rest

In addition to making you sleepy, lack of sleep will affect your emotional mood and cognitive capabilities, because the brain cannot function properly. Lack of sleep can also increase the risk of obesity and various diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. Try to sleep 7-9 hours a day to avoid these risks.

Last but not least is to keep the environment clean so that it is free from disease. The various healthy living tips above will not bring maximum use unless the environment in which you live is dirty and has lots of germs.

Start implementing a healthy lifestyle in your family, but of course you must start with yourself first. Healthy living habits that you live can motivate others around you. And vice versa, associating with people who lead a healthy lifestyle can further motivate you to do the same. 

8 Benefits of Raspberry Fruit for Health

8 Benefits of Raspberry Fruit for Health

Have you ever tasted raspberries? This fruit with a sweet and sour taste that provides freshness stores a myriad of nutrients that are beneficial for health. Therefore, it's a shame if you miss the many functions of this raspberry fruit.
Raspberry or in Indonesian called raspberry is a type of berry that has many varieties. There are raspberries that are black, purple, yellow, and red. However, red raspberries (Rubus idaeus) are the most popular and widely consumed type of raspberry.

Raspberry Fruit Nutritional Content

Raspberries are low in calories, yet nutrient dense. In 100 grams of raspberries there are only about 50 calories. In addition, raspberries also contain many of the following nutrients:

6.5 grams of fiber
12 grams of carbohydrates
0.8 grams fat
1.2 grams of protein
25 milligrams of calcium
0.4 milligrams of zinc
150 milligrams of potassium
30 IU of vitamin A
25 milligrams of vitamin C
0.9 milligrams of vitamin E
8 milligrams of vitamin K

Raspberries also contain folate, B vitamins, phosphorus, iron, manganese, lutein, and selenium. Raspberries are also rich in various antioxidants, such as polyphenols, anthocyanins, quercetin, and phenolic acids, which are good for health.

Benefits of Raspberry Fruit for Health

Thanks to the many nutrients contained in it, it's no wonder that raspberries can provide additional various functions for health. Here are the functions of raspberries that you can get by consuming them regularly:

Maintain digestive health

Raspberries are a good source of fiber. Consumption of foods rich in fiber can facilitate digestion while maintaining the balance of the number of good bacteria in the intestine. In addition, adequate fiber intake can also reduce your risk for digestive disorders, such as constipation.

Lose weight

Because it is low in calories and high in fiber and nutrients, raspberries are one of the fruits that are suitable for consumption for those of you who are craving to lose weight.

Because it is rich in fiber and protein, this fruit can make you full longer, so that you are helped in controlling your appetite. That way, you won't overeat or snack.

However, to get the ideal weight, you can't just rely on raspberries. You also have to regularly exercise and follow the right diet so that your weight can be lost and controlled.

Controlling blood sugar levels

Eating raspberries can help control blood sugar levels. This fruit has a low glycemic index measure so it will not raise blood sugar significantly when you eat it. With controlled blood sugar, you will avoid insulin resistance and diabetes.

Maintain skin health

Having healthy skin is the dream of many people. To make it happen, you can regularly consume raspberries. This fruit is rich in antioxidants and nutrients, such as vitamin A and vitamin C, which are good for skin health.

The nutritional content and various compounds in raspberries are also good for inhibiting and reducing signs of premature skin aging. Thanks to its fairly high vitamin C dose, this fruit is good for consumption to support collagen processing.

Maintain brain function

With increasing age, brain function and performance can decline. This can be fast-paced or chronic in people who are frequently exposed to free radicals.

To prevent this, you must meet the intake of antioxidants every day. One good source of antioxidants is raspberries.

The high antioxidant content in raspberries is known to be good for maintaining brain health, improving memory, and reducing the risk of brain function disorders, such as dementia or dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease.

Maintain healthy bones and joints

Raspberries contain calcium, protein, and the antioxidant resveratrol. The following nutrients and compounds are good for maintaining the ability of bones and inhibiting bone loss. In addition, raspberries also contain anti-inflammatory substances that can inhibit and relieve signs of arthritis.

Maintain heart health

The high fiber and antioxidant content in raspberries makes this fruit one of the best fruits for the heart.

Research shows that adequate fiber intake can help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL). This is good for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart disease and stroke.

Prevent cancer

Raspberries are a great source of antioxidants too. This content can inhibit the damage to body cells due to exposure to free radicals. Antioxidants are also known to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

With the many functions of the rapsberry fruit, you can now include this fruit in your daily diet. Rapsberries can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, whether eaten directly, processed into juices or smoothies, or as a mixture in other dishes, such as yogurt, salads, or cereals.

Although useful, you don't just rely on raspberries to support health, okay? Keep eating a variety of healthy foods, exercising regularly, getting enough rest, and managing stress well to get a healthy body.

Also keep in mind, although rare, there are more than one person who can experience an allergic reaction to raspberries. This allergic reaction is more likely to occur in people who have a history of allergies to other types of berries, such as strawberries or blueberries.

Therefore, if you have a history of food allergies, especially to berries, you should first consult with your doctor to make sure that raspberries are safe for you to consume. Likewise if you experience an allergic reaction after consuming raspberries.

Do not consume excessively, this is a danger of caffeine for health

Do not consume excessively, this is a danger of caffeine for health

Caffeine is the most consumed natural boost worldwide. Although the benefits are well known, the dangers of caffeine if consumed in excess are not trivial. Caffeine can be found in more than 60 types of plants, but the most commonly consumed sources of caffeine are coffee, tea, and cocoa beans. In addition, caffeine is also often added to various types of foods, beverages, supplements, and drugs. Generally, the safe limit for caffeine consumption for adults is no more than 400 mg per day. This is approximately 2–4 cups of coffee or 4–8 cups of tea and chocolate per day. Caffeine Dangers for Health Consumption of caffeine in normal amounts can carry a variety of functions for health. However, if consumed in excess, there are a number of dangers of caffeine that must be wary of, including:

Causes sleeplessness

Many people consume caffeine so they can stay awake when they are active during the day. However, the effects of excessive caffeine can last until the evening and lead to sleeplessness, especially if consumed in the afternoon or evening. The average adult needs about 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you don't get enough sleep at night, this can actually have an impact on your alertness and performance the next day. In addition, not getting enough sleep can also make you more susceptible to diseases, including infectious diseases.

Increase the risk of osteoporosis

Consumption of caffeine can basically interfere with the absorption and metabolism of calcium in the body. The body loses approximately 6 mg of calcium every time you consume 100 mg of caffeine or the equivalent of one cup of coffee. If consumed in excess and in the long term, this can further increase your risk of developing osteoporosis.

Trigger the appearance of wrinkles on the face

Although known to have antioxidant properties, excessive caffeine consumption can lead to the appearance of wrinkles on the face. This is because caffeine can cause the body to excrete more fluids by urinating, so that the skin is prone to dehydration. Therefore, when you consume caffeinated drinks, make sure you also accompany water to maintain adequate body fluids.

Makes the heart flutter

Consumption of caffeine can raise blood pressure in a short time. In sensitive people, this can lead to an irregular heartbeat, resulting in the sensation of a pounding chest. In people who already have arrhythmias before, this can make the heart work harder. In more than one case, this may lead to fatal risks.

Cause digestive cases

Consuming excess caffeine can also have an impact on various digestive problems. The reason is, caffeine can increase the amount of acid in the stomach, so it can cause heartburn or stomach pain, especially in people who already have acid reflux disease or stomach ulcers before.

Interfere with fertility and endanger pregnancy

Some studies suggest that consuming large amounts of caffeine can interfere with the production of the hormone estrogen, which is necessary for pregnancy. While during pregnancy, excessive caffeine consumption is considered dangerous because it can increase the risk of miscarriage or cause fetal development to slow down, so the baby is born with a low birth weight.

Increase blood sugar content

Research shows that people with type 2 diabetes are at risk of increasing blood sugar levels after consuming caffeine. This is thought to be because caffeine reduces the absorption of blood sugar into the body's cells. If the formality of caffeine consumption is allowed, this can over time increase the risk of type 2 diabetes sufferers to develop diabetes complications, such as nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy) or heart disease. How to Reduce the Dangers of Caffeine Due to Excess Consumption If you are accustomed to consuming high amounts of caffeine every day, try to reduce caffeine consumption in the following ways: Record how much caffeine intake you consume each day, if how many cups of coffee or tea do you drink in a day. Reduce daily caffeine intake slowly, if if you generally drink 6 cups of coffee per day, you can reduce it to 1 cup per day. Replace caffeine intake with non-caffeinated drinks, such as mineral water, infused water, or caffeine-free coffee, tea, and soda. The ways above you can do to avoid the dangers of caffeine due to consumption of very much. In order not to have trouble sleeping, you also have to block it when you consume caffeine, at least 6-7 hours before going to bed. When you're cutting down on caffeine, make sure you get enough rest and exercise regularly to boost your energy levels. This can make it easier for you to get used to a day without caffeine. If you have difficulty reducing the amount of caffeine consumed per day or just want to be aware of the safe limits for caffeine consumption according to your situation, you should consult a doctor.

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