
Effects of Depression on Sexual Life

Effects of Depression on Sexual Life

Depression can affect all aspects of the sufferer's life, including sexual life. This is the same for both men and women. In order to be able to anticipate and not interfere with the closeness of the relationship with your partner, identify the effects of depression on sexual life.
In addition to affecting the condition of the liver, depression can cause sufferers to experience various physical complaints, such as loss of energy, digestive problems, decreased brain function, to weakened immune systems. Mental health problems are also known to interfere with the sexual life of sufferers.

This is the impact of depression on sexual life

When there is sexual stimulation, normally the brain will process the next stimulus and invite sexual arousal or stimulants to have sex. The brain will send signals to the sex organs, so that the penis is able to erect and the vagina secretes lubricating fluid.

To process and interpret a sexual stimulus, the brain needs chemicals called neurotransmitters. However, for people with depression, there are problems with the content and benefits of these chemicals.

As a result, the brain is not able to send signals to the sex organs even though there is sexual stimulation. This is what brings the impact of decreased sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, and vaginal dryness.

In addition, people with depression also tend to withdraw from things that were previously enjoyable, become easily angry, feel worthless, and lose self-confidence. His body also felt physically tired and felt it all the time.

Things that can then cause him to lose the desire to have sex or not feel pleasure when doing it. Not only that, the change in attitude that goes towards people with depression can also create problems with relationships with their partners.

Treatment of depression is calculated to have an impact on sexual life. In men, some types of antidepressant drugs can cause side effects such as erectile dysfunction and problems achieving orgasm or anorgasmia.

How to Overcome Depression and Restore Sexual Desire

The way to restore sexual desire is to overcome depression first. When depression is handled properly, your sex life will gradually improve as usual.

To get the right treatment in dealing with depression, you should consult a psychiatrist. Tell me about your problems in having sex. That way, the psychiatrist will prescribe antidepressant drugs that have minimal side effects on sexual desire.

However, putting this into practice is not as easy as the theory. You may feel shy, embarrassed, disinterested, or it may be useless to consult a psychiatrist. Actually feeling like this is common for people with depression. However, don't give up on the situation, okay?

If you still don't like going to a psychiatrist, try talking to your partner or friend. You don't have to tell all your stories right away. Just tell me how you feel and experience your situation.

Slowly, prepare yourself to consult a psychiatrist. At that time, you can use this method as an initial way to rise and be seen from your depression.

Try to feel like applying a healthy lifestyle routine. Make sure you eat healthy, exercise regularly, get enough rest, and stay away from cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. These things will also have a good impact on your sex life.

Depression definitely should not be left alone, especially if it has affected your sexual desire and your relationship with your partner. However, it should be noted that depression treatment is not instant.

If you don't immediately feel an improvement in your complaints after consulting and taking medication from a psychiatrist, don't give up immediately, okay? Keep taking the medication given, live a healthy lifestyle, and carry out regular controls according to the advice of a psychiatrist. 

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