
Is it necessary to wash the vagina after sexual intercourse?

Is it necessary to wash the vagina after sexual intercourse?

After making love, not a few women who still want to relax in bed or so go to sleep immediately. However, there are also those who feel obliged to immediately clean themselves, especially the vaginal area. Actually, is it mandatory to clean the vagina after sexual intercourse?

There's nothing wrong with relaxing for a moment after having sex. However, you should not leave it too long even to sleep, yes. 

To keep the body fresh and clean, there are things that need to be done after sex, such as cleaning yourself and changing clothes. drink a glass of water, to clean the sex toys used. 

The Importance of Washing the Vagina After Sex

After sexual intercourse, you should clean your vagina. This is absolutely necessary to eliminate germs, viruses, or parasites that can cause infection in the intimate organs.

However, that doesn't mean you have to wash your vagina to the inside, yes, if you do vaginal douching together. Douching is the practice of spraying or inserting water or cleaning fluid into the vagina.

This is because vaginal cleaning products generally contain fragrances and antibacterial substances that can disrupt the balance of good bacteria in the vagina, thereby increasing the risk of infection.

Naturally, the vagina has a mechanism to clean itself by removing vaginal fluid or what is commonly referred to as vaginal discharge. So, you don't have to wash your vagina all the way inside, okay? 

How to clean the vagina after sex

The best way to clean the vagina after sexual intercourse is to clean the vulva area with water. You can also wash it with warm water to eradicate the bacteria that cause urinary tract infections (UTI) and remove any lubricant or sperm that may still be attached.

In addition to cleaning the vulva with water, you are also advised to urinate, especially after having unprotected sex. During sex, bacteria from the penis can enter your urinary tract, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections.

So, by urinating after sexual intercourse, the flow of urine can automatically clean and wash bacteria that enter your urinary tract or urethra.

Well, that's the reason why cleaning the vagina after sexual intercourse is important to do. Remember, wash only the vulva area, yes, it doesn't need to go into your vagina. This is important to do in order to maintain vaginal health.

In addition, avoid using wet wipes, applying creams, spraying fragrances, or sprinkling powder on the vagina to prevent irritation of the intimate organs.

If you experience problems in the female area or experience certain complaints in the vagina after sexual intercourse, for example, the vagina starts to ache, itch, swell, or have abnormal vaginal discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The next thing may indicate that you have an infection in the intimate organs, and the condition then needs to be treated by a doctor.  

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